Tax Program Member Registration

To take advantage of our program, complete and confirm the information below. All returning Tax Program Members must re-register each year.
Terms and Conditions apply.

(Doing Business As Name)

Additional Services (optional)

This is going to help promote your services to potential clients. Check any box you would like added to your profile. Check one or more options.

How do you want to receive your Referral Commissions?   Terms and Conditions

Your referral fees will be direct deposited into your bank account.

***Note Do not enter a credit card or debit card.
All tax program members who select our referral program will need to provide a SSN/ITIN or business Tax ID number.
(For Individual only) ?
(Corp, Non-Corp only)

Do you know the ACE Center number you will be referring clients to ?
By clicking continue below, you agree to our Terms and Conditions, including payment terms.
Your participation in the ACE Tax Program does not create an employment relationship with us.

Have Questions?



If you are registering as a business, please use the first and last name of the owner or manager.

Business Name

If you are doing business as yourself, please enter your full legal name.

If registering as a Corporation or Non-Corporation, enter the full legal name of the business entity.

Business Type

Individual - Select if you are an individual who will report this as income on your personal income tax return under your own SSN or individual Tax ID number and wish your direct deposit or check to be made out directly in your name. This includes self-employed individuals. Also select if you are the owner of a limited liability company who will report this as income on your personal income tax return under your SSN or individual Tax ID number.

Corporation - Select if you are a C or S Corp and wish to have your direct deposit or check made out to the corporation name and you report this income under the business EIN.

Non-Corporation - Select if you are a Non-Corporation business entity (other than a Limited Liability Company), such as a Partnership, Limited Partnership, Trust or Non-Profit Corporation that uses an EIN to file taxes and wish to have your direct deposit or check made out to the entity name and you report this income under the business EIN number.

SSN / Tax ID #

All tax program members who select our referral program will need to provide a Social Security (or ITIN) Number or business Tax ID number.

Find your ABA/Routing # and Account Number

  • Find it on Bank Statement
  • Call and ask your bank
  • Get it from one of your checks (see sample below)

Business vs. Mailing Address

Business address is the physical location of your store. Mailing address is the address you receive any correspondence at.

  • If you have multiple locations but receive your correspondence at one central location, please use the business address for that location and enter the central location where you receive your correspondence in the mailing address section.

  • If your store is only open during tax season, use your home, business, or P.O. Box address as your mailing address.